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Functional diversity of neighbours mediates sap flow density and radial growth of focal trees, but in different ways between evergreen and deciduous broadleaved species

The functioning of a tree is shaped by the neighbouring species through the interspecific interaction and local environments. The functional trait composition of the neighbourhood cou...

In Paper, Jul 03, 2024

Mixed-species stands improve the coordination between leaf and fine root traits in a common garden experiment

The coordination between leaf and root traits is conducive to an integrated understanding of whole-plant ecological strategies and reveals how community composition and diversity cont...

In Paper, Jul 01, 2024

The spatial distribution of tree-tree interaction effects on soil microbial biomass and respiration

The capacity of forests to sequester carbon in both above- and belowground compartments is a crucial tool to mitigate rising atmospheric carbon concentrations. Belowground carbon stor...

In Paper, Jul 01, 2024

Influence of tree mycorrhizal type, tree species identity, and diversity on forest root-associated mycobiomes

Understanding the complex interactions between trees and fungi is crucial for forest ecosystem management, yet the influence of tree mycorrhizal types, species identity, and diversity...

In Paper, May 20, 2024

Tree species diversity modulates the effects of fungal pathogens on litter decomposition: evidences from an incubation experiment

Litter decomposition is a major determinant of carbon (C) and nutrient cycling in ecosystems, and contributes to soil organic carbon (SOC) formation. Ongoing global changes are exacer...

In Paper, May 19, 2024

Functional dissimilarity in mixed forests promotes stem radial growth by mitigating tree water deficit

Tree growth is a key component of forest ecosystem functioning and is well-known to be limited by water availability. It is acknowledged that composition and diversity of co-occurring...

In Paper, Mar 20, 2024

Tree and shrub richness modifies subtropical tree productivity by regulating the diversity and community composition of soil bacteria and archaea

Forest soils contain rich prokaryotic communities, with groups such as bacteria and archaea playing important roles in carbon flux, nutrient cycling, and decomposition. However, their...

In Paper, Jan 03, 2024

Systematic distributions of interaction strengths across tree interaction networks yield positive diversity–productivity relationships

Understanding the mechanisms underlying diversity–productivity relationships (DPRs) is crucial to mitigating the effects of forest biodiversity loss. Tree–tree interactions in diverse...

In Paper, Jan 02, 2024

Plant–soil feedback is dependent on tree mycorrhizal types and tree species richness in a subtropical forest

Plant-soil feedback (PSF) is an important driver of plant species coexistence and diversity maintenance. However, it remains unclear how changes in PSF due to decline in tree species ...

In Paper, Jan 01, 2024

9 PhD positions in the field of forest biodiversity ecosystem functioning research (TreeDì / BEF-China)

The International Research Training Group “TreeDì - Tree Diversity Interactions: The role of tree-tree interactions in local neighborhoods in Chinese subtropical forests” (GRK 2324), ...

In news, Dec 23, 2023
