The Biodiversity–Ecosystem Functioning Experiment China (BEF-China) platform has been jointly set up by Chinese, German and Swiss researchers since 2008. BEF-China aims at explaining effects of species loss on ecosystem variables and at deciphering the underlying processes. A wide range of scientists contribute to the BEF-China projects , involving groups focusing on multiple diversity dimensions, multiple ecosystem components and multiple ecosystem functions. The dimensions of biodiversity include species diversity, functional diversity and genetic diversity; the components of ecosystems include plants, animals and microorganisms; and the functions of ecosystems include productivity, nutrient cycling, decomposition, multi-trophic interactions, resistance to soil erosion and other stress-resistance abilities.
Multi-dimensionality of tree communities structure host-parasitoid networks and their phylogenetic composition
Environmental factors play a role in shaping ecological networks, yet their impact on the phylogenetic aspects of host-parasitoid int...
Trait-based neighbourhood effects modulate the growth-weather relationships of subtropical trees
Growth–weather relationships of trees determine the seasonal fluctuation of carbon sequestration in forests. Even within the same loc...
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